Medical school is a new academic level as you prepare for one of the most significant career paths available. And, success is so much more than doing well in class. Drawing from her experience, Precious Eze, MD (White Coat Chronicles), shares valuable tips for success in medical school from day one and techniques for building on that rhythm as you approach USMLEⓇ Step 1 board prep. After, she shared additional tips during Q&A.
Looking for a quick summary of Precious’ tips for first-year medical students? Here they are…
5 Tips for Medical School Success
TIP #1: Treat Medical School Like a Full-Time Job
Most students study five to six hours per day, five to six days a week. Keeping up with classes is a must! You can’t afford to fall behind. If, by chance, you do get behind, catch up with that day’s material on the weekend (don’t fall behind with the next day’s lecture).
TIP #2: Figure Out Your Learning Style Early
Are you a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner? Perhaps some combination of these? Choose resources complementing your learning style. For example, as an auditory and visual learner, I loved resources like Osmosis, and Picmonic.
Also, consider if you study well with a Study Group? If you do, find one early. If group study isn’t your thing, no worries! I was an independent student for the most part. Occasionally I would join a group study session to review practice questions.
TIP #3: Study Smarter, Not Harder
Create a study routine. For me, I would 1. read the material, 2. attend the lecture, 3. review the material, and 4. then re-review several days later. The daily spaced repetition on Picmonic leverage research-backed spaced repetition for later review.
Block time to study daily. And, don’t forget to block time for the rest of your life.
HOT TIP: For Med Students using Picmonic: read the material, watch the Picmonic(s) covering the topic(s), take the quiz, and then attend the lecture.
TIP #4: Start Preparing for USMLEⓇ Step 1 on Day 1
A big part of mastering board exams is learning the techniques of test-taking, not necessarily having the knowledge. Start testing and using the resources you plan to use during your dedicated period now.
Add a regular Question Bank practice to your study routine helps. Read the question, answer, and then remediate (both right and wrong answers). You’ll want to start answering a small number of questions and build every day, week, month. Ultimately, the more questions you do and review, the better you will perform. PERIOD.
TIP #5: Embrace Imperfection & Practice Self-Care
Recognize sometimes you’re studying to pass, not to ace a test. Remember to take time for yourself and your family. There is a difference between working hard and stress. Learn that line.
Precious shares so much more content than her five tips. Be sure to watch to the end!
If this is your first year of Med School, be sure to check out these other resources.
- First Year of Med School: 5 Ways to Thrive in 2021
- From 1st to 4th Year: How to Operate at Your Best in Medical School
- Top Med Resources and Channels for Medical School Students
- 3 Study Tools to Dominate USMLE Step 1 & Step 2
- Tips for Success in Med School in 2021 (How I Scored 275 on USMLE STEP 1)
- Picmonic and First Aid = Top STEP 1 Scores
- How Long Should I Study for USMLE Step 1?
- What is the Secret to Getting a Good Match for Medical Residency?
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