
Unlock Effective Memorization Strategies & Techniques with Picmonic

Don’t just memorize, master! Exam success goes beyond basic knowledge. Solid study strategies, effective revision and memorization techniques help you truly understand connections between facts and conquer any exam.

Related Facts Made Easy With Picmonic

Preparing for your nursing or medical exams is not easy. You need to remember every sign and set of symptoms a patient can present for each disease. Not to mention memorizing all the different drug names and knowing every condition they can treat.

Picmonic can help you better understand and nail these topics. Here’s how it empowers your exam preparation with powerful study and memorization strategies:

  1. Master connections: We use consistent characters across topics to link similar concepts, making it easier to differentiate facts and see the bigger picture.
  2. Build memory palaces: Create your own Picmonics for each topic, adding details and facts for stronger memory anchors.
  3. Combat forgetting: Utilize spaced repetition reminders to review past material and solidify long-term retention.
  4. Test Yourself Daily: Sharpen your recall with our daily quizzes, a powerful revision strategy to stay exam-ready.
  5. Study on the Go: Take Picmonic anywhere with the mobile app, maximizing your learning opportunities, wherever you are.
Consistent characters across Picmonics

How Picmonic Can Help With Differentiating and Relating Facts

Related Picmonics

By being consistent and using the same character across different topics, we make it easier to remember related facts. The distinct characters will help you to remember and differentiate between similar facts. We make sure those hard-to-remember relationships stick with you for the long term!

Character Glossary

View all key characters and where they appear across the Picmonic Library. The glossary helps with creating a differential diagnosis, comparing and contrasting topics, and visualizing relationships with other concepts.

What Students Say About Using Picmonic

Headshot - Callie

Picmonic maintains a same theme amongst the database for memorization consistency (I.e. Penicillin will always be the character “pencil villain”). Picmonic was a great asset for me in medical school and I would recommend all people who are daunted by memorizing the thousand things you need to know for STEP to give it a try.