Picmonic Learning System

Daily Quiz with Spaced Repetition: Conquer the Forgetting Curve

spaced repetition pillar header
Want to be SURE the facts you’ve been quizzing on are locked down cold? We’ve got your back. Picmonic’s Daily Quiz with Spaced Repetition algorithm will intelligently quiz you on the facts you need to review to cement everything into your brain… forever.

Science says…

Science has affirmed that after we learn something, we forget it over time if there is no attempt to retain it. The forgetting curve represents that we tend to halve our memory of newly learned information in a matter of days unless we consciously review the learned material again.

Typical Forgetting Curve for Newly Learned Information

Spaced repetition is a learning technique that incorporates increasing intervals of time between subsequent reviews of previously learned material to exploit the psychological spacing effect. The spacing effect is the phenomenon whereby learning is greater when studying is spread out over time, as opposed to studying the same amount of time in a single session.

Your voice…

Thousands of students from around the world told us that the most significant way in which we could improve Picmonic would be to add in spaced learning. After a year of exploration and months of dedicated efforts, we’re excited to deliver upon your requests!

How does it work?

personalized dashboard spaced repetition

Just log in to your account and click the bright green  Start Quiz option in the Daily Quiz with Spaced Repetition tile on your Home or within Browse’s Recommended section.

This will take you to a Quiz of the top suggested facts to review for the day. Don’t see the Daily Quiz with Spaced Repetition section? That’s probably because you haven’t used our Quiz yet, so our system doesn’t have anything to recommend to you. So select a Picmonic or Playlist and start quizzing!

Want to launch a Daily Quiz from a specific subject or Playlist? Just click the “more menu” on that subject and then select “Quiz”:

screenshot of where to find quiz in picmonic

Or click “Quiz” from within any Playlist:

screenshot of picmonic home screen

Then, you’ll be given the option of narrowing down to only facts in your Spaced Repetition Queue:

How are my facts suggested?

Your facts are suggested based on what you get right and wrong as you Quiz on Picmonics!

To simplify:

  • If you get a fact wrong, it will be prioritized first in your queue because you still need to review it, and get it right!
  • If you get a fact right, it will show up again too, but spaced out over increasing time intervals to optimize your retention.

Many other data points are also factored into the algorithms, such as how long it takes you to answer a question and if you use a hint (showing the character). The algorithms are complex, but they are proven to work.

How can I see which facts are coming up next?

To see more detail about your Spaced Repetition queue, you can click on the gear on your Spaced Repetition Tile. Then select “My Queue”.

You’ll see a list of all of the facts in your queue, the date you last quizzed on each fact, the next quiz date, and your accuracy for each fact. You can also edit when you’ll see this fact next or remove it from your queue completely.

When should I use the Daily Quiz?

track your progress spaced repetition

EVERY DAY of course!
Keep your streak alive and you will remember forever.

What’s the easiest way to do this? 
On your Android or iPhone, take advantage of those few minutes in line getting a coffee or while on the bus or train. It’s as entertaining as your Instagram but 1000x healthier for you. 

When you open Picmonic on a given day, take advantage of that fresh mindset and start by learning new content first, then complete your Daily Quiz queue.

daily quiz spaced repetition daily streak

Go get science back on your side and click the bright green  Start Quiz option in the Daily Quiz with Spaced Repetition tile on your Home or within Browse’s Recommended section.

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