Pharmacy Student Tips

5 Things Every Pharmacy Student Should Do

5 Things Every Pharmacy Student Should Do

Every pharmacy school is different, but some things stay the same: it takes hard work and dedication to get the degree you want! Even when you love your major, sometimes studying can be a chore. Picmonic makes it fun to study -and retain!- all the facts and information you need to pass the NAPLEX and have a wonderful career helping your community stay healthy. But, as you’ll quickly learn, pharmacy school requires more than just remembering facts. We’ve put together a list of five things every pharmacy student should do before you head to your first day of classes.

Be Professional- in Every Sense

Undergrad is over. Long gone are the days of rolling out of bed and into class wearing last night’s clothes (which were also yesterday’s pajamas). Once you’ve received your white coat, pharmacy schools tend to ask students to dress in professional attire every day. Dressing the part creates a new mindset to help you become accustomed to your future position as a medical professional.

Experience Everything

What’s the best way to be great at your job? The same way to be great at anything: Practice! To help you gain experience and knowledge that looks good on any resume, apply for internships and shadowing positions- the sooner, the better. You can learn a lot from your books, but ultimately, real-life scenarios will teach you better than any study guide. Additionally, internships allow you to network and meet real professionals in your field of study, and that just might help you land a job once you’ve earned your degree.

Be Organized + Prioritize

It’s easy to feel bombarded by school. There’s a lot to do! One way to combat school-related anxiety is to stay organized. Buy a planner and use it often to keep track of your classes, to-do lists, errands, internships, and personal life. Once you get into the swing of school, you’ll be able to prioritize and get a schedule down, so schoolwork becomes more routine and less overwhelming.

Study Early and Often

Don’t wait until the last minute to study. That can lead to disaster. Keep track of notes by section to make studying easier- you’ll thank us later while the rest of your class is stressing. Try to study a little bit each day. It’ll pay off in the end, we promise. But we also understand that sometimes reading a textbook can get tedious. Break it up by using Picmonic and learning Pharmacy mnemonics. Picmonic will boost your test scores and help you remember more of what you learned- for forever. Meaning your test scores will be awesome, but you’ll also be fantastic at your job and recalling facts. That beats cramming all night for a test for sure.

Make Friends

Part of schooling is networking, not just for jobs and study groups, but also for people who are going to make your life fun! Remember to take a few study breaks and find a friendly face at school. Getting in some downtime is important. Plus, your new friend will help remind you that even when you’re stressed about grades, there’s life outside of class.

These tips and tricks will put you ahead of your class. We know pharmacy school can be hectic, but it’ll go by fast! The hard work you put in now will pay off in the end. Use Picmonic as a study-buddy to help you through classes, ace any test and for learning pharmacy drugs. Picmonic is also the best way to study for pharmacy technician exam. You can try Picmonic for free today and see for yourself! We think you’ll like it.

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