Picmonic NCLEX®-RN Question of the Day

Picmonic NCLEX®-RN Question of the Day

So, here you are in nursing school, and you have your final exam creeping up. All of a sudden you realize that you have no time to study. Or, worse, you have the NCLEX® around the corner and you’re in panic mode, overwhelmed by all the content you still have to cover. Like many of us have done, you may think to yourself, “Guess it’s going to be another all-night cram sesh for me.”

STOP! Don’t go down that dangerous road!

If you fall into the routine of thinking you can fill your brain the night before with weeks of material, chances are you are going to walk into that exam brain-dead and sleep deprived, performing worse than you could’ve done if you had just studied a little bit every day.

That’s why we have brought you…drum roll please…

NCLEX®-RN Question of the Day!


So, how is the Question of the Day going to help you ace those exams? Think about building healthy habits.

Let’s say you want to start eating healthy and exercising after a couple months of being lazy. You can’t even remember the last time you ate anything green. You decide it’s time to make some changes. You wake up on Monday, you eat some broccoli, go for a six-mile run and you drink your eight glasses of water. You go to bed at ten o’clock, thinking tomorrow you could probably run a marathon. This healthy stuff is a cinch! The next day you wake up with sore muscles, and you decide, “Ah, you know, I did so well yesterday, I’m going to treat myself today and take it easy.” The day after, you find another excuse to lie around and eat pizza all day…and this continues until you’re back into your old bad habits.

If you really wanted to sustain healthy routines, you would be eating your veggies and working out a majority of the week, right? You would build up by doing a little bit everyday and eventually living a healthy lifestyle would become second nature. The same thing goes for study habits. When you try to cram a whole semester of learning into one caffeine-driven all-nighter, when the test is over, you are likely to forget the information as soon as you walk out of the door.

Our Question of the Day allows you to study a little bit and exercise your brain everyday, so you are forming study habits that will benefit you in the long-run. This allows you to retain the information you learned and walk confidently into that exam, your clinical rotation, or the NCLEX®.

Say goodbye to those panic-driven sleepless nights, and start studying smarter!

Marlee Liberman

Marlee Liberman, RN, Master Nursing Scholar

As a registered nurse, Marlee understands the struggles that nursing school throws at you – not to mention the overwhelming pressure preparing for the NCLEX®! Marlee brings a unique skill set and perspective to Picmonic with her previous degree in broadcast journalism, her creativity in video production, and her wandering nomad lifestyle. Her blend of talents provides her with the knack for simplifying complicated concepts and demystifying the world of nursing.

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