Medicine (MD/DO)
Anatomy & Embryology
Axial Bones
Facial Bones

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Facial Bones

Facial Bones

Face Bones
The face is comprised of 14 facial bones. These include the Vomer, Concha (2), Nasal bones (2), Maxilla (2), Mandible, Palatine bones (2), Zygomatic bones (2), and Lacrimal bones (2).

The vomer is one of the unpaired facial bones of the skull. It is located in the midsagittal line, and articulates with the sphenoid, the ethmoid, the left and right palatine bones, and the left and right maxillary bones. The vomer forms the posterior part of the nasal septum, with the anterior part formed by the ethmoid.


The nasal concha is a long, narrow and curled bone shelf (shaped like an elongated sea-shell) that protrudes into the breathing passage of the nose.

Nose-bone coffin

The nasal bones are two small oblong bones, varying in size and form in different individuals; they are placed side by side at the middle and upper part of the face, and form, by their junction, "the bridge" of the nose.


The maxillae consist of upper palate of mouth or maxilla or two halves that are fused at the intermaxillary suture to form the upper jaw. This is similar to the mandible (lower jaw), which is also a fusion of two halves at the mandibular symphysis.


The mandible or inferior maxillary bone forms the lower jaw and holds the lower teeth in place. It is an unpaired bone.


The palatine bones are paired bones of the skull that are situated at the back part of the nasal cavity between the maxilla and the pterygoid process of the sphenoid.


The zygomatic bone is a paired bone which articulates with the maxilla, the temporal bone, the sphenoid bone and the frontal bone. It is situated at the upper and lateral part of the face and forms the prominence of the cheek, part of the lateral wall and floor of the orbit, and parts of the temporal and infratemporal fossa.

L.A. Criminal

The lacrimal bones are the smallest and most fragile bones of the face, and are situated at the front part of the medial wall of the orbit.


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