Top Study Resources for Nursing Students

Social Distancing and Mental Health

social distancing and mental health banner
We’re all responsibly self-isolating to slow the spread of COVID-19. While social distancing is the right thing to do, being isolated from other people can negatively impact mental health, and trigger anxiety and depression. With the help of students just like you, we’ve compiled helpful tips to decrease stress, anxiety, and loneliness. And remember, ultimately we’re all in this together to help the common good.

Stay informed in a healthy way.

With the rapidly changing world we live in, it’s tempting to want to keep a constant pulse on what’s happening. But it’s possible to overdo it. Avoid consuming a stream of news 24/7. This can cause unnecessary anxiety. Seek out information from reliable sources like the World Health Organization or CDC just a few times a day. 

Stay connected with others.

Just because we can’t be with others physically, doesn’t mean we have to be alone. Maintain those social networks by communicating via social media, facetime, skype, etc. Set up video calls with family. Find ways to laugh together like setting up an online game time. Just being able to see your loved one’s faces is more meaningful than you might think. You can even set up study sessions with others and jump on a google hangout!

Maintain structure.

Make a clear daily schedule for yourself. Try to keep up familiar routines in daily life as much as possible. Shower, get dressed, and eat breakfast, get ready for the day!

Maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Eat healthy, sleep, and exercise in your home when you can. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, so consider telehealth options for therapy if need be. 

Focus on what you can do, and accept the things you can’t change

Aim to be realistic and healthy when it comes to the things you focus on. Some things are completely under your control, while some aren’t. Find positive and productive ways to distract yourself and relax. Learn a new skill, do your best to remain positive, and consider journaling about how you feel. Here’s some reminders you can copy and save for yourself:

things i cannot control vs things i can infographic

Create a study schedule. 

Studying from home? Life starting to feel overwhelming? Having a tough time staying on top of studying? Make a daily study routine with built in breaks so you’ve got something to look forward to. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you fall off track. You’re not a machine, so be kind to yourself and just do the best you can. Thankfully, Picmonic’s SMART Daily Quiz will let you know what topics you need to review, when it’s the most optimum time. 


Acknowledge nothing will go as smoothly as we hope. Self care is incredibly important. Taking some time for the things that will help us reset when we’re feeling overwhelmed is helpful. If you need a moment, here’s a quick menu you can pull ideas from (you can right click and copy it, or right click and save, if you’d like!):

self-care menu

Have a tip or two of your own? Send it our way so we can keep building out this list!



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