With Picmonic, facts become pictures. We've taken what the science shows - image mnemonics work - but we've boosted the effectiveness by building and associating memorable characters, interesting audio stories, and built-in quizzing.
DOWNLOAD PDFUnlike suppression when a person is intentionally withholding an idea or a feeling from conscious awareness, repression is a completely involuntary and unconscious process.
Repression is a type of immature defense mechanism; Other important immature defense mechanisms are projection, isolation of affect, identification, idealization, fixation, displacement, splitting, dissociation, rationalization, acting out, passive-aggressiveness, and denial. Immature psychological defense mechanisms are psychological processes that play an important role in suppressing emotional awareness and increase the risk of various medical conditions. These patients are more likely to lead unhealthy lifestyles and use food and drugs to cope with external stressors.
Memories of traumatic experiences are likely to become unavailable to conscious awareness, even while continuing to exist at an unconscious level.
Example 1: A child suffers abuse by a parent, unconsciously represses the memories, and becomes completely unaware of them as an adult.
Example 2: A 32-year-old man does not remember going to counseling during his parents’ divorce a few years earlier.
Picmonic's rapid review multiple-choice quiz allows you to assess your knowledge.
*Average video play time: 2-3 minutes
Unforgettable characters with concise but impactful videos (2-4 min each)
Picmonic for Medicine (MD/DO) covers information that is relevant to your entire Medicine (MD/DO) education. Whether you’re studying for your classes or getting ready to conquer the USMLE Step 1, USMLE Step 2 CK, COMLEX Level 1, or COMLEX Level 2, we’re here to help.
Research shows that students who use Picmonic see a 331% improvement in memory retention and a 50% improvement in test scores.