Medicine (MD/DO)
Infectious Disease
Infectious Dermatologic Disorders

Master Rosacea with Picmonic for Medicine

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Rosacea is a cutaneous disorder that can manifest in multiple forms and commonly affects the face. Episodes may be provoked by alcohol, heat, or strong emotions. This disease is commonly divided into 4 subtypes: erythematotelangiectatic, papulopustular, phymatous, and ocular. Ocular rosacea is commonly seen in association with the other subtypes. In erythematotelangiectatic rosacea, facial flushing and telangiectasias are seen. Management includes protective sunscreen and topical brimonidine. In papulopustular rosacea, papules and pustules can be managed with topical metronidazole. Rhinophyma is a complication of chronic rosacea and results in a deformed-looking nose. Laser ablation can help with some of the inflammation in phymatous rosacea. Finally, avoiding triggers is important for patients with this disease.
Episodes Provoked by Alcohol, Heat, or Emotions
TV Episode with Emoticons and Alcoholic-beverage surrounded by Tiki-torches

Episodes of rosacea are frequently provoked by lifestyle factors such as alcohol consumption, heat and UV exposure, and emotional extremes.

Facial Flushing and Telangiectasias
Facial Flushing and Telangiectasia-spider

Central facial flushing and telangiectasias are the most common manifestations of rosacea.

Sun Protection
Bottle of Sunscreen

Proper sun protection is one of the first line recommendations for prevention of rosacea, especially for preventing skin flushing and telangiectasias.

Topical Brimonidine

Topical brimonidine, an alpha-2 agonist, may be used for treatment of rosacea. Since facial flushing may be a result of dysfunction of superficial blood vessels, brimonidine, a vasoconstrictor, may act by mitigating this dysfunction and reducing excessive blood flow to the face.

Papules and Pustules
Papules and Pus-pile

Papules and pustules localized to the central face are common in rosacea.

Topical Metronidazole
Metro-knight riding up on Papules and Pustules

Topical metronidazole is commonly used for the papulopustular manifestations of rosacea. Since the exact mechanism underlying rosacea is undefined, the exact mechanism by which metronidazole is useful is not 100% certain. However it is possible that metronidazole helps kill certain skin microbiota which may contribute to inflammation.

Rhino with Growth on Nose

If severe and left untreated, the chronic inflammation from rosacea can lead to excessive connective tissue outgrowth, leading to rhinophyma.

Laser Ablation

Laser ablation has been used for treatment of rhinophymatous skin changes.

Avoid Triggers
Avoid-sign with Trigger

Avoiding triggers is advised for prevention of any and all manifestations of rosacea.


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