Medicine (MD/DO)
Developmental Stages
Age 6 Months - Developmental Milestones

Master Age 6 Months - Developmental Milestones with Picmonic for Medicine

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Age 6 Months - Developmental Milestones

Age 6 Months - Developmental Milestones

(6) Sax and Month-moon
There are several important milestones that occur at six months of age. At this age, most babies are able to sit, sometimes alone or with support in the tripod position, which is using the arms to support their bodies while sitting. At this age, babies also learn how to roll over in both directions, including stomach to back and back to stomach. By six months of age, children also develop a raking grasp and are able to transfer objects from one hand to another.
Sits Propped Up On Hands
Sitting Propped Up On Hands

At six months, babies can sit briefly with support from their hands, demonstrating core strength and balance.


By six months, babies can typically roll both from stomach to back and back to stomach, which shows increased mobility and body control.

Raking Grasp

Around six months, babies use a “raking” motion with their fingers to grasp objects, a step in developing fine motor skills before the pincer grasp.

Makes Squealing Noises

At this age, babies make high-pitched squealing sounds, which reflect their exploration of voice and communication.

Blows "Raspberries"
Blowing Raspberries

Six-month-olds may blow “raspberries,” sticking out their tongue and blowing air, which helps with muscle control in their mouth.

Turn-Taking in Sounds
Turn-table Sounds

At six months, babies begin engaging in early “turn-taking” with sounds, where they respond to caregivers' vocalizations by making sounds of their own and pausing to "listen." This back-and-forth sound play supports early language development and helps babies learn the rhythms of conversation, like waiting and responding.


Around six months, babies will often laugh in response to playful interactions, demonstrating social engagement and joy.

Enjoys Looking at Self in a Mirror
Enjoys Self in Mirror

Babies at this age show interest in mirrors and will often smile or laugh at their own reflection, a sign of self-recognition.

Recognizes Familiar People
Recognizes Familiar People

Six-month-olds can recognize and respond to familiar faces, showing memory development and social bonding.

Closes Lips to Signal Fullness
Closed Lips Full

By this age, babies can close their lips or turn away to show they are full, a form of early communication.

Puts Objects in Mouth
Object in Mouth

At six months, babies explore objects by putting them in their mouths, aiding sensory learning and muscle development.

Reaches for Desired Toys
Reaching for Desired Toy

Six-month-olds reach for toys they want, reflecting intentional movement and coordination.


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