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DOWNLOAD PDFMenopause occurs due to cessation of estrogen (and progesterone) production from the ovaries. Decreased estrogen levels influence other levels of hormones as well.
As estrogen levels decline, negative feedback on FSH and LH secretion is removed. This lack of negative feedback allows FSH and LH levels to increase.
With a lack of negative feedback from estrogen, FSH levels become elevated.
With a lack of negative feedback from estrogen, LH levels become elevated.
GnRH production and secretion is increased in menopause, further inducing secretion of FSH and LH.
After menopause, estrogen continues to be produced through androgen conversion in other tissues, notably adipose tissue and ovaries, but also in bone, blood vessels and even in the brain.
Androgen levels do not change in menopause, but the decrease in estrogen leads to decreased steroid-hormone-binding globulin. Due to increased free testosterone (some of which is converted to estrogen), hirsutism can occur in postmenopausal women.
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