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DOWNLOAD PDFLab values show decreased TSH in Graves' disease. This occurs due to negative feedback from high levels of thyroid hormones T3 and T4.
Anti-TSH IgG antibodies bind to TSH receptors, stimulating them to release thyroid hormones. It is via this mechanism that patients with Graves' disease show elevated T3 levels.
Anti-TSH IgG antibodies bind to TSH receptors, stimulating them to release thyroid hormones. It is via this mechanism that patients with Graves' disease show elevated T4 levels.
In the radioactive iodine uptake test, which is a scan often used in the diagnosis of thyroid problems, patients with Graves' disease show high uptake.
Beta blockers are important in treating Graves' disease, as they provide rapid relief (within minutes) of symptoms such as palpitations, tremors, anxiety, heat intolerance and arrhythmias. These medications provide symptomatic treatment before thyroid hormone levels decrease.
This drug is helpful in treating Graves' and hyperthyroidism, as it blocks oxidation of iodine in the thyroid gland, helping to decrease thyroid hormone levels.
This is a type of radiation therapy where radioactive iodine is administered to patients. This iodine is taken into the patient's thyroid where it ablates, or destroys, thyroid tissue. Patients receiving this therapy will need to supplement thyroid hormones, as their thyroid will no longer make sufficient thyroid hormones.
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