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DOWNLOAD PDFThe central posterior tender point for C1 is located along the inferior nuchal line, lateral to the inion. This tender point can be palpated bilaterally and is associated with dysfunction of the C1 vertebrae.
The lateral posterior tender point for C1 is bilaterally located between the Inion and Mastoid Process. This tender point can be useful in determining a rotational/side-bending dysfunction of the C1 vertebrae.
The posterior cervical tender points for C2-C6 are located laterally to the spinous process of the superior vertebrae. This is because the spinous process of each vertebra descends to the next vertebrae, making the spinous process of the superior vertebrae on the same plane as the vertebrae inferior. These tender points can be palpated bilaterally.
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*Average video play time: 2-3 minutes
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Research shows that students who use Picmonic see a 331% improvement in memory retention and a 50% improvement in test scores.