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Medicine (MD/DO)
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Ovarian Disorders

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Dysgerminoma is a rare malignant germ-cell tumor often found in young adults, equivalent to seminoma found in males. Tumors show sheets of uniform cells that are similar to primordial germ cells and have gross and microscopic features similar to those of seminomas. Turner syndrome is a risk factor, and elevated LDH and hCG are common tumor markers.
Germ-cell tumor

This malignant type of ovarian tumor is equivalent to a male seminoma, but much more rare.

Most Common Malignant Germ Cell Tumor
#1 Foam-finger Malignant-man

Dysgerminomas are the most common malignant germ cell tumors of the ovary. Still, it accounts for only 1-2% of all malignant ovarian tumors. Dysgerminoma occurs mainly in children and young women. (3-5) The average age is 22 years, and 90% of patients are less than 30 years of age.

Uniform Cells

Dysgerminoma tumors present with sheets of uniform cells similar to primordial germ cells.

Fried Egg Cells
Fried Egg

Histological examination of dysgerminomas shows a cluster of fried egg cells and lymphocytes.

Hard Core Gnomes

Occasionally, dysgerminomas may become infiltrated with syncytiotrophoblastic giant cells, which produce beta-hCG.

Ladies' Disc Hockey

Both elevated hCG and LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) are effective tumor markers for dysgerminoma.


Dysgerminoma is the ovarian equivalent to seminoma, found in males. The gross and microscopic features of dysgerminomas are similar to those of seminomas.

Turner Syndrome

Risk factors for dysgerminoma include Turner syndrome and pseudohermaphrodites.


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