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DOWNLOAD PDFThe Ebola virus is an RNA virus.
This virus is from the Filovirus family (Filoviridae).
Marburg virus is another highly fatal hemorrhagic disease classified under Filoviridae.
The RNA structure for Ebolavirus is single-stranded linear.
The capsid for this virus is helical, which is a cylindrical shape with a central hollow.
This virus is enveloped. This envelope around the capsid works to fuse with the host's membrane, allowing the capsid and viral genome to enter and infect the host. Having an envelope also helps in avoiding host immunity.
This virus has negative sense RNA, meaning it must have its genome copied by an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. This is then formed into positive-sense RNA, which is used for protein transla
Bats are known hosts for the ebola virus, and exposure to partially cooked bat meat and feces is a proposed theory for outbreaks.
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