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DOWNLOAD PDFThis organism stains positive on gram stain due to thick peptidoglycan layer which absorbs crystal violet and has a spherical shape.
Characteristically, Enterococcus is catalase negative, which is helpful in distinguishing Enterococcus from catalase positive species like Staph.
Enterococcus are difficult to distinguish from Streptococci but can be differentiated because Enterococci are tolerant of extreme environmental conditions including high sodium chloride concentration and growth on bile.
Enterococcus are difficult to distinguish from Streptococci but can be differentiated because Enterococci are tolerant of extreme environmental conditions including high sodium chloride concentration and growth on bile.
Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium are two species that are part of the normal colonic flora.
A urinary tract infection commonly presents with symptoms of burning sensation during urination, and increased frequency and urgency with sharp razor pains in the lower abdomen. Enterococci can cause UTIs.
Endocarditis is characterized by inflammation of the inner tissues of the heart such as a valve. Enterococci can cause subacute bacterial endocarditis when a high number of bacteria enter the bloodstream, commonly after a severe Enterococcal urinary tract infection.
An important feature of this genus is a high level of antibiotic resistance. Many Enterococci are intrinsically resistant to beta lactam antibiotics and are penicillin resistant.
An important feature of this genus is a high level of antibiotic resistance. Many Enterococci are intrinsically resistant to beta lactam antibiotics and resistance to vancomycin (VRE) has been increasing in the last few decades.
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