Physician Assistant (PA)
Anatomy & Embryology
Dermatomes - Lumbosacral

Master Lumbosacral Dermatomes

Master lumbosacral dermatomes with Picmonic! Our engaging characters and stories make learning fun and interactive. Watch this video to remember key anatomical details and clinical implications.

Dermatomes - Lumbosacral

Dermatomes - Lumbosacral

Mr. Skin Divisions with Lumber-sack
The skin's surface is divided into specific areas called dermatomes, which are mainly supplied by a single spinal nerve. There are 8 cervical nerves (C1 being an exception with no dermatome), 12 thoracic nerves, 5 lumbar nerves and 5 sacral nerves. Each of these nerves relays sensation (and pain) from a particular region of skin to the brain.
L2 - Medial Thigh
(L) Lion in (2) Tutu with Metal Thigh

Lumbar spinal nerve L2 correlates with dermatome distribution over the medial thigh.

L3 - Medial Knee
(L) Lion at (3) Tree with Metal Knee

The dermatome L3 correlates with distribution over the thigh with clinical significance over the medial knee.

L4 - Kneecap, Medial Ankle, and Big Toe
(L) Lion (4) Fork with Knee, Metal Ankle, and Big Toe

Lumbar spinal nerve 4, L4, is characteristically distributed over the kneecap, medial ankle, and big toe.

L5 - Dorsum of Foot
(L) Lion (5) Hand hitting Dorsum of Foot

The dorsum of the foot correlates to the distribution of L5 sensory innervation.

S1 - Lateral Foot, Posteriolateral Thigh
(S) Snake with (1) Wand at Ladder Foot and Post-ladder Thigh

Sacral spinal nerve 1, S1, innervates sensory pathways in the lateral foot and posteriolateral thigh.

S 2, 3, 4, 5 - Perianal and Genitals
(S) Snake in (2) Tutu with 3,4, and 5 coiling around Pear-with-a-hole and Genital-gentleman

Sacral spinal nerves 2-5 correlate with the perianal area and the genitals.


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