Registered Nurse (RN)
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Anxiety Disorders
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (OLD VERSION)

Master Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (OLD VERSION) with Picmonic for Nursing RN

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (OLD VERSION)

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (OLD VERSION)

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by repetitive obsessions or compulsions that often interfere with a patient’s daily functioning. Patients with OCD experience high levels of anxiety about not being in control or about losing control. Anxiety in these patients is manifested as an obsession, which can only be suppressed by actions called compulsions. Patients with OCD can spend upwards of one hour per day carrying out their compulsion(s), though they may or may not be aware that they are performing an action or activity repeatedly. Interventions used to treat or manage OCD include drug therapy with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or anti-anxiety medications, limiting the time that a patient is allowed to spend on their compulsion, systematic desensitization, and flooding.
Anxiety about Losing Control
Anxiety-bag over Breaking Controller

Patients with obsessive compulsive disorder experience high levels of anxiety about not being in control or about losing control.

Repetitive and Intrusive Thoughts
Repetitive and Intrusive Thought-bubble

The patient with OCD may experience repetitive and intrusive thoughts, also known as an obsession. Obsessions vary between individuals, but may include worrying about having germs on their hands or about leaving the door to their house unlocked. These obsessions often manifest as compulsions.

Suppressed by Thought or Action
Suppressed by Thought-bubble with Action

In patients with OCD, obsessions can usually only be suppressed by thoughts or actions called compulsions. For example, if the patient is worried about having germs on their hands, he/she may wash their hands excessively to alleviate their anxiety.

Interferes with Daily Functioning
Broken Daily Functions

Obsessions and compulsions interfere with a patient’s daily functioning. Patients with OCD can spend upwards of one hour per day carrying out their compulsion(s).

May or May Not Be Aware
Aware or Unaware

Although compulsions may be obvious to others, patients with OCD may or may not be aware that they are performing an action or activity repeatedly.

Selective Silver-tonic Re-uptake tube with Inhibiting-chains

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the drug of choice for treating obsessive compulsive disorder, although anti-anxiety medications may also be used.

Limit Times for Rituals
Limiting Timer for the Ritual of tiles

Initially, it is important to allow a patient to continue with their compulsions, or rituals, to prevent an increase in anxiety. The amount of time the patient has to perform the behavior should gradually be limited, in an effort to eliminate the compulsion.

Systematic Desensitization
Gradual Desensitization

Systematic desensitization is an intervention that involves gradually exposing a patient to an anxiety-provoking stimulus while they are in a relaxed state. Over time, the patient will learn to overcome his/her anxiety or fear.


Flooding is an intervention that involves exposure to the anxiety-provoking stimulus for a prolonged period of time. The goal of this intervention is to significantly decrease or eliminate the fear or anxiety associated with a particular stimulus/situation.


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