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Selected Topics in Physiology
Potassium (K+) Lab Value

Master Potassium (K+) Lab Value with Picmonic for Nursing RN

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Potassium (K+) Lab Value

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Potassium (K+) Lab Value

Potassium is the major cation inside of cells, and helps to create a membrane potential, which helps in neurotransmission, heart function and muscle contraction. Potassium is regulated in renal function. Normal serum potassium levels range from 3.5 to 5.0 mEq/L. Patients below 3.5 are considered hypokalemic, and can develop U-waves, weakness and constipation. Patients who are above 5.0 are hyperkalemic, and can display weakness, diarrhea, cramping and arrhythmias with T-waves.
3.5 to 5.0 mEq/L
(3) Tree (.5) Hand to (5) Hand

Normal serum potassium levels range from 3.5 to 5.0 mEq/L. Patients below 3.5 are considered hypokalemic and can develop U-waves, weakness and constipation. Patients who are above 5.0 are hyperkalemic and can display weakness, diarrhea, cramping and arrhythmias with T-waves.


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