OnlineMedEd Shared "General Physiology - Transporters" - 8 Picmonics

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General Physiology - Transporters

Small Intestine Absorption
Carbohydrates Undergo Active Transport
Amino Acids Undergo Active Transport
Small Lipids Undergo Passive Diffusion
Epithelial Cells
Intestinal Capillaries
Hepatic Portal Transports Nutrients
Large Lipids Transported as Chylomicrons
Lacteals Transport Chylomicrons
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Hartnup Disease
Autosomal Recessive
Neutral amino acids
Defective Transporter
Renal and Intestinal cells
Signs and Symptoms
Causes tryptophan excretion in urine
Leads to Pellagra
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Alveolar Gas Exchange
Pulmonary Artery Blood is O2-Poor, CO2-Rich
Two-Cell Thick Air-Blood Barrier
CO2 Diffuses Into Air
O2 Diffuses Into Blood
Gases Equilibrate
Pulmonary Vein is O2-Rich, CO2-Poor
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A-a Gradient
Partial pressure of alveolar oxygen (PAO2)
Partial Pressure of Arterial O2 (PaO2)
Normal 10 to 15 mmHg
Hypoxemia with an Abnormal A-a Gradient
Diffusion problem
Shunting (Low V/Q)
Dead space (high V/Q)
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Proximal Tubule
Na+ Reabsorbed Via Active Transport
Water Follows Na+
Most Of Glucose Reabsorbed
Most Of Amino Acids Reabsorbed
Bicarbonate Exchanged For H+
Drugs and Toxins Excreted
Filtrate Osmolarity Same As Plasma
Leads To Loop Of Henle
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Collecting Duct
Na+ Reabsorption
Vasopressin Causes Water reabsorption
Concentrates Filtrate
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Distal Tubule
Hormonally Regulated
Aldosterone Causes Na+ Reabsorption
Na+ Reabsorbed Via Active Transport
Water follows Na+
Parathyroid Hormone Causes Ca2+ Reabsorption
Leads to Collecting Duct
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Loop of Henle
Descending Limb
Water Follows Na+
Medullary Hypertonicity
Increased Water Reabsorption
Vasa Recta
Na+ Reabsorbed Via Active Transport
Ascending Limb
Reabsorbs Na+, K+, Cl-
Decreased Concentration of Filtrate
Impermeable to Water
Distal Tubule
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