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Jonathan Shared "HEME/ONC Test 1" - 25 Picmonics

With Picmonic, facts become pictures. We've taken what the science shows - image mnemonics work - but we've boosted the effectiveness by building and associating memorable characters, interesting audio stories, and built-in quizzing. Whether you're studying for your classes or getting ready for a big exam, we're here to help.


Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
Ages < 15
May Present with Bone Marrow Involvement in Children
Mediastinal Mass in Adolescents
TdT Positive
CALLA Positive
t(12;21) Better Prognosis
Spread to CNS and Testes
Most Responsive to Chemotherapy
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2 mins
Large Granular Lymphocytic Leukemia
CD 16+
CD 3+
Natural Killer Cells
Red Pulp Splenomegaly and Hepatic Sinusoids Hepatomegaly
Felty Syndrome
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47 secs
Adult T Cell Lymphoma
Caused by HTLV 1
Japan, West Africa, Caribbean
Present with cutaneous lesions
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1 min
Extranodal NK/T-Cell Lymphoma
Sinonasal Lymphoma
Associated with EBV
Natural Killer Cells
CD 56+
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43 secs
Mycosis Fungoides / Sézary Syndrome
Neoplastic CD4+ Cells
Adults 40 - 60 Years Old
Mycosis Fungoides
Neoplastic CD4+ Cells Infiltrate Skin
Rashes Or Plaques
Pautrier's Abscesses
Sézary Syndrome
Neoplastic CD4+ Spread from Skin to Systemic Involvement
Sézary Cells With "Cerebriform Nuclei"
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2 mins
Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma, NOS
Lack TdT
Variable CD 4 and CD 8
Alpha/Beta or Gamma/Delta
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33 secs
Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma
CD 3 negative
CD 30+
t(2;5) Better Prognosis
Breast implants
Horseshoe Cell
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1 min
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
Signs and Symptoms
Age > 60 Years
B Cell Neoplasm
Smudge Cells
Often Asymptomatic
Cold IgM Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
Warm IgG Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
Richter's Transformation
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3 mins
Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma
Most Common Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Usually in Older Adults
20% in Children
May be Mature T Cell in Origin
Derives from Germinal Center
GI Tract and Brain
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2 mins
Burkitt's Lymphoma
Adolescents or young adults
C-myc gene moves next to heavy chain Ig gene
T 8;14
Starry sky appearance
Sheets of lymphocytes with interspersed macrophages
Jaw lesion in endemic (African) form
Pelvis or abdomen in non endemic form (American form)
Associated with EBV
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2 mins
Mantle Cell Lymphoma
Older Males
Activation of Cyclin D Gene
T 11;14
Poor Prognosis
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55 secs
Marginal Zone Lymphoma
Chronic Inflammatory Disease
B Cell
CD 79a positive
Spleen, Nodal, Extranodal
H. Pylori
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1 min
Hairy Cell Leukemia
Mature B Cell Tumor
Signs and Symptoms
Flow Cytometry
Cells Have Filamentous Hair-Like Projections
Stains TRAP Positive
Dry Tap on Bone Marrow Aspiration
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2 mins
Follicular Lymphoma
Derives from Germinal Center
Occurs in adults
BCL 2 overexpression
BCL 2 inhibits apoptosis
Generalized lymphadenopathy
Bone marrow involvement
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2 mins
Multiple Myeloma Pathophysiology
Monoclonal Plasma Cell Cancer
Clock Face Chromatin
M Spike on Protein Electrophoresis
Increased IgG and IgA
Fried Egg Appearance (BM Biopsy)
Rouleaux Formation
Stacked RBC's
Bence Jones Protein
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2 mins
Multiple Myeloma Signs and Symptoms
Signs and Symptoms
Increased Susceptibility to Infection
Back/Bone Pain
Punched Out Lytic Bone Lesions
Primary Amyloidosis
Renal Insufficiency
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2 mins
Plasma Cell Leukemia
CD 56 negative
Poor Prognosis
Plasma Cells
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32 secs
Hodgkin Lymphoma Pathophysiology
Reed-Sternberg Cells
Owl's Eyes Appearance
CD 15 and CD 30
B Cell Origin
Bimodal Age Distribution
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2 mins
Hodgkin Lymphoma Signs & Symptoms
Signs and Symptoms
Localized Single Group of Lymph Nodes
Contiguous Spread
Constitutional B Symptoms
Low-Grade Fever
Night Sweats
Weight Loss
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2 mins
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Assessment
Lymphatic Cancer
Non-Contiguous Spread
B or T Cells
Painless Lymphadenopathy
Constitutional B Signs
Night Sweats
Weight Loss
Mediastinal or Abdominal Mass
Older Adults
> 60 Subtypes
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2 mins

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