OnlineMedEd Shared "The Endocrine Pancreas" - 5 Picmonics
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The Endocrine Pancreas
Acinar Cells Release Digestive Enzymes
Ductal Epithelial Cells Release Bicarbonate
Islets of Langerhans
Beta Cells Release Insulin
Alpha Cells Release Glucagon
Delta Cells Release Somatostatin
Somatostatin Inhibits Alpha and Beta Cells
3 mins
Pancreatin, Pancrelipase (Pancreatic Enzymes)
Pancreatic Enzymes
Cystic Fibrosis
Pancreatic Insufficiency
Side Effects
GI Distress
Inactivated by Gastric Acid
24 Hour Fat Excretion
Take with Every Meal and Snack
2 mins
Small Intestine Digestion
Brush border enzymes
Pancreatic Enzymes are secreted via a Duct
Pancreas secretes bicarbonate
Brush Border activates Pancreatic Trypsin
Trypsin activates Chymotrypsin
Trypsin and Chymotrypsin digest Proteins
Gallbladder Releases Bile
Pancreatic Lipase breaks down Lipids
Goblet cells secrete mucus
Pancreatic Amylase breaks down Carbohydrates
Pancreatic Nucleases breakdown DNA/RNA
Digestion occurs in the Duodenum
2 mins
MEN 1 (Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia)
Autosomal Dominant
Menin Mutation (Tumor Suppression Gene)
Chromosome 11
Signs and Symptoms
Pancreatic Endocrine Tumors
Pituitary Tumors
Parathyroid Adenomas
2 mins
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome Diagnosis and Treatment
Gastrin > 1000 pg/mL
Positive Secretin Stimulation Test
High-Dose PPI
Surgical Resection
3 mins
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