Wong's Nursing Care of Infants and Children, 11th Ed., Hockenberry, Wilson & Rogers | Registered Nurse (RN) School Study Aid
Ovulatory Hormones I - Follicular Phase
- 0-14 Days
- GnRH Stimulates FSH and LH
- Follicle Secretes Estrogen
- Negative Feedback from Estrogen
- Increased Estrogen Leads to Positive Feedback
- FSH and LH Surge
- LH Spike Leads to Ovulation
Ovulatory Hormones II - Luteal Phase
- Days 15-28
- Corpus Luteum
- Secretes Progesterone
- Negative Feedback inhibits FSH and LH
- No pregnancy forms Corpus Albicans
- Stops Estrogen Secretion
- Endometrial Sloughing - Menses
- GnRH secretion produces new follicular phase
- FSH Stimulates Sertoli Cells
- Inhibin B Release
- LH Stimulates Leydig Cells
- Leydig Cells Secrete Testosterone
- Testosterone Causes Male Development
Anorexia Nervosa Assessment
- Adolescent Girls
- Fear of Gaining Weight
- Excessive Dieting
- Distorted Body Image
- Decreased Bone Density
- Stress Fractures
- Lanugo
- Amenorrhea
- Anemia
- BMI < 18.5
Bulimia Nervosa Assessment
- Normal Body Weight
- Binge and Purge
- Electrolyte Disturbances
- Alkalosis
- Hypokalemia
- Parotitis
- Enamel Erosion
- Russell's Sign
- Once Weekly For 3 Months
Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa Interventions
- Build Trust
- Plan Caloric Intake
- Supervise Meals
- Supervise Elimination
- Encourage Liquids
- Daily Weights
- Use Matter-of-Fact Statements
- Give Feelings of Control
- Tube Feedings If Further Weight Loss
Substance Use Disorder Assessment (Formerly Substance Abuse Assessment)
- Changes in Mood
- Poor Hygiene
- Odd Sleep Patterns
- Frequent Injuries
- Relationship or Job Difficulty
- Poor Performance
- Anorexia OR Weight Loss
- Social Isolation
- Financial Problems
Alcohol Use Disorder Assessment (Formerly Alcohol Abuse Assessment)
- CNS Depression
- Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome
- GI Distress
- Cardiomyopathy
- Pancreatitis
- Cirrhosis
- Immunosuppression
- Sexual Dysfunction
- Screening (Assessments)
Depression Assessment
- Anergia
- Self Neglect
- Decreased Libido
- Vegetative Signs
- Sad Affect
- Worthlessness
- Guilt
- Anger and Irritability
- Ineffective Problem Solving
- Slowed Thinking
Suicide Risk Factors
- Depression
- Previous Attempt
- No Support System
- Access to Firearms or Medications
- Substance Abuse
- Physical or Sexual Abuse
- Chronic Illness or Pain
- Extremes of Age
Suicide Assessment
- Direct (Overt) Statements
- Indirect (Covert) Statements
- Giving Away Prized Possessions
- Sudden Improvement in Mood
- Putting Personal Affairs in Order
- Detail of Plan
- Availability of Means
- Proposed Method
- Safe Environment
- One-on-One Monitoring
- No Suicide Contract
SIG E CAPS for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
- Sleep Problems
- Interest Deficit
- Guilt or Worthlessness
- Energy Loss or Fatigue
- Concentration Difficulty
- Appetite Changes
- Psychomotor Retardation or Agitation
- Suicidal Ideation
- 5 Symptoms Including Depressed Mood or Anhedonia for 2 Weeks
Hypertension Assessment
- Essential Hypertension
- Secondary Hypertension
- Headache
- Vision Changes
- Nosebleed (Epistaxis)
- Chest Pain
- Syncope (Fainting)
- Average 2 Sets, 2 Minutes Apart
- After 2 or More Visits (within 1-4 weeks)
- Take BP Both Arms
- Common in African Americans