Ace Your Classes and Exams with Picmonic: #1 Visual Mnemonic Study Tool for Registered Nurse (RN) Students
With Picmonic, facts become pictures. We've taken what the science shows - image mnemonics work - but we've boosted the effectiveness by building and associating memorable characters, interesting audio stories, and built-in quizzing. Whether you're studying for your classes or getting ready for a big exam, we're here to help.
Phosphodiesterase Type 4 Inhibitors and Miscellaneous Respiratory Agents
1 Picmonics 2 mins
Respiratory Tract Agents Drug Grid
5 Picmonics 8 mins
Chapter 10: Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Preparations
27 Picmonics 47 mins
Overview of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Preparations
Antiallergic Agents
1 Picmonics 2 mins
Anti-infective Agents
4 Picmonics 8 mins
Anti-inflammatory Agents
2 Picmonics 3 mins
Local Anesthetic, Mydriatic, and Vasoconstrictor Agents
4 Picmonics 6 mins
Antiglaucoma Agents
3 Picmonics 5 mins
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Preparations Drug Grid
13 Picmonics 23 mins
Chapter 11: Gastrointestinal Agents
42 Picmonics 1 hr 15 mins
Overview of Gastrointestinal Agents
Antacids and Adsorbents
1 Picmonics 2 mins
Antidiarrheal and Antiflatulence Agents
3 Picmonics 6 mins
Antiemetic Agents
6 Picmonics 9 mins
Antiulcer Agents and Suppressants
11 Picmonics 20 mins
Miscellaneous Gastrointestinal Agents
6 Picmonics 11 mins
Gastrointestinal Agents Drug Grid
15 Picmonics 27 mins
Chapter 12: Hormones and Synthetic Substitutes
60 Picmonics 1 hr 50 mins
Overview of Hormones and Synthetic Substitutes
Adrenal Agents
6 Picmonics 11 mins
Androgens, Estrogens, and Progestins
6 Picmonics 9 mins
Antidiabetic and Antihypoglycemic Agents
15 Picmonics 29 mins
Parathyroid Hormones
4 Picmonics 7 mins
Pituitary Agents
4 Picmonics 8 mins
Thyroid and Antithyroid Agents
3 Picmonics 5 mins
Miscellaneous Therapeutic Agents
2 Picmonics 4 mins
Hormones and Synthetic Substitutes Drug Grid
20 Picmonics 38 mins
Chapter 13: Skin and Mucous Membrane Agents
29 Picmonics 54 mins
Overview of Skin and Mucous Membrane Agents
Anti-infective Agents
10 Picmonics 20 mins
Anti-inflammatory Agents
1 Picmonics 2 mins
Antipruritic and Local Anesthetic Agents
1 Picmonics 2 mins
Miscellaneous Skin and Mucous Membrane Agents
4 Picmonics 6 mins
Skin and Mucous Membrane Agents Drug Grid
13 Picmonics 24 mins
Chapter 14: Smooth Muscle Relaxants
13 Picmonics 22 mins
Overview of Smooth Muscle Relaxants
Gastrointestinal and Genitourinary Smooth Muscle Relaxants
1 Picmonics 2 mins
Respiratory Smooth Muscle Relaxants
5 Picmonics 8 mins
Smooth Muscle Relaxants Drug Grid
7 Picmonics 11 mins
Ace Your Registered Nurse (RN) Classes & Exams with Picmonic:
Over 2,010,000 students use Picmonic’s picture mnemonics to improve knowledge, retention, and exam performance.
Choose the #1 Registered Nurse (RN) student study app.
Picmonic for Registered Nurse (RN) covers information that is relevant to your entire Registered Nurse (RN) education. Whether you’re studying for your classes or getting ready to conquer your NCLEX®-RN, Hesi, ATI, TEAS test, Kaplan exams, we’re here to help.
Works better than traditional Registered Nurse (RN) flashcards.
Research shows that students who use Picmonic see a 331% improvement in memory retention and a 50% improvement in test scores.