Fundamentals of Nursing, 11 Ed., Potter, Perry, Stockert & Hall, 2022 | Registered Nurse (RN) School Study Aid
Anorexia Nervosa Assessment
- Adolescent Girls
- Fear of Gaining Weight
- Excessive Dieting
- Distorted Body Image
- Decreased Bone Density
- Stress Fractures
- Lanugo
- Amenorrhea
- Anemia
- BMI < 18.5
Bulimia Nervosa Assessment
- Normal Body Weight
- Binge and Purge
- Electrolyte Disturbances
- Alkalosis
- Hypokalemia
- Parotitis
- Enamel Erosion
- Russell's Sign
- Once Weekly For 3 Months
Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa Interventions
- Build Trust
- Plan Caloric Intake
- Supervise Meals
- Supervise Elimination
- Encourage Liquids
- Daily Weights
- Use Matter-of-Fact Statements
- Give Feelings of Control
- Tube Feedings If Further Weight Loss
Therapeutic Diets
- High Fiber
- Low Residue (Fiber)
- Low Sodium
- Low Cholesterol
- Diabetic
- Renal
- Dysphagia
- Diet Education
Diet Progression
- Clear Liquid
- Full Liquid
- Pureed
- Mechanical Soft
- Low Residue (Fiber)
- High Fiber
- Regular
Religion and Dietary Preferences Overview
- Buddhism
- Natural Foods of Earth
- Hinduism
- Cow is Sacred
- Islam (Muslim)
- Halal Foods
- No Alcohol
- Judaism
- Kosher Meals
- No Pork or Shellfish
- Mormonism (Latter Day Saints)
- The Word of Wisdom
Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)
- Nutrition Given Outside GI
- Hyperglycemia
- Hyperlipidemia
- Refeeding Syndrome
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Slow IV Infusion
- Use Large Central Vein
- No Added Meds to TPN Line
Tyramine Containing Foods
- Aged Cheeses
- Pepperoni
- Pickled Foods
- Wine
- Rapid Acting
- Insulin Lispro (Humalog)
- Insulin Aspart (Novolog)
- Insulin Glulisine (Apidra)
- Short Acting
- Regular Insulin (Humulin R)
- Intermediate Acting
- Isophane NPH (Humulin N)
- Long Acting
- Detemir (Levemir)
- Glargine (Lantus)
Diabetes Assessment
- Juvenile Onset
- Absent Insulin Production
- Ketosis Prone
- Adult Onset
- Insulin Resistance
- Obesity
- Onset During Pregnancy
- Glucose Intolerance
- Retinopathy
- Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Nephropathy
- Neuropathy
Diabetes Interventions
- Early Diagnosis
- Insulin
- Oral Hypoglycemics
- Glucose Monitoring
- Routine Exercise
- Diabetic Diet
- Monitor for Complications
- Insulin Therapy
- Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)
Diabetes Education
- Self-Monitoring (Blood Glucose)
- SubQ Injection Technique
- Lifestyle Changes
- Symptoms of Hyperglycemia and Hypoglycemia
- Sick Day Care
- Foot Care
- Exercise Therapy
- Medication
Pulmonary Embolism Causes
- FAT BAT Mnemonic
- Fat
- Air
- Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
- Bacteria
- Amniotic Fluid
- Tumor
- Hypercoagulable
- Central Venous Lines
- Immobilized
GI Absorption
- Stomach
- Alcohol
- Duodenum
- Iron
- Jejunum
- Folate
- Terminal Ileum
- Vitamin B12
- Bile Resorption
Oral Cavity
- Mouth
- Mechanical Digestion
- Salivary Amylase Begins Carbohydrate Breakdown
- Lingual Lipase Begins Lipid Breakdown
- Esophagus
- Bolus
- Peristalsis
Stomach Digestion
- Chief Cells Secrete Pepsinogen
- Pepsinogen Turned to Pepsin By H+
- Protein Breakdown Begins
- Mucous Cells Secrete Mucus and Bicarbonate
- G Cells Secrete Gastrin
- Gastrin Stimulates Parietal Cell HCl Release
- Parietal Cells Secrete Intrinsic Factor
Small Intestine Absorption
- Carbohydrates Undergo Active Transport
- Amino Acids Undergo Active Transport
- Small Lipids Undergo Passive Diffusion
- Epithelial Cells
- Intestinal Capillaries
- Hepatic Portal Transports Nutrients
- Liver
- Large Lipids Transported as Chylomicrons
- Lacteals Transport Chylomicrons
Small Intestine Digestion
- Brush border enzymes
- Pancreatic Enzymes are secreted via a Duct
- Pancreas secretes bicarbonate
- Brush Border activates Pancreatic Trypsin
- Trypsin activates Chymotrypsin
- Trypsin and Chymotrypsin digest Proteins
- Gallbladder Releases Bile
- Pancreatic Lipase breaks down Lipids
- Goblet cells secrete mucus
- Pancreatic Amylase breaks down Carbohydrates
- Pancreatic Nucleases breakdown DNA/RNA
- Digestion occurs in the Duodenum
Large Intestine
- Colon
- Electrolyte Reabsorption
- Water Reabsorption
- Microflora Produce Vitamins
- Rectum Stores Feces
Peptic Ulcer Disease Assessment
- Helicobacter Pylori
- Increased Stomach Acid
- Abdominal Pain
- Heartburn (Pyrosis)
- Melena
- Weight Changes
- GI Distress
- Most Commonly in Duodenum
- Duodenal: Pain Relieved by Eating
- Gastric: Pain Caused by Eating
Peptic Ulcer Disease Interventions
- Combination Drug Therapy
- Two Antibiotics
- Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI)
- Decrease Acid Secretion
- Avoid NSAIDs
- Diet and Lifestyle Changes
Crohn's Disease Assessment
- Diarrhea
- 5-6 per day
- Cramping Abdominal Pain
- Fever
- Weight Loss
- Malabsorption
- Anemia
- Obstruction
- Fistulas