Lab and Diagnostic Tests During Pregnancy (1st Visit)
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Blood Typing and Rh
- Rubella
- Hepatitis B
- Tuberculosis Skin Mantoux Test (PPD)
- Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Chlamydia
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae
- Syphilis
- Pap Smears
- Urinalysis
- Sickle Cell Screening (If Indicated)
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Assessment
- RNA Retrovirus
- CD4+ Helper T Cells
- Flu-like Symptoms
- Lymphadenopathy
- Fatigue
- Diarrhea
- Unexplained Weight Loss
- White Spots on Tongue
- Persistent Fever
- Night Sweats
HIV CD4+ 500
- Candida albicans (Oral Thrush)
- Kaposi's Sarcoma (HHV-8)
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- Epstein-Barr Virus (Oral Hairy Leukoplakia)
HIV CD4+ 200
- Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
- JC Virus
- Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML)
- Pneumocystis Pneumonia
- (HIV) Dementia
- Histoplasmosis
HIV CD4+ 100
- Aspergillus fumigatus
- Cryptococcus neoformans
- Candida albicans (Esophagitis)
- Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC)
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
- Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) B-cell lymphoma
- Toxoplasma gondii
- Cryptosporidium
- Bartonella henselae
Newborn Assessment
- Umbilical Cord
- 2 Arteries 1 Vein
- Eye Prophylaxis
- Fontanels
- Vitamin K Injection (Phytonadione)
- Gestational Age Assessment (GAA)
- Birth Weight
- Head Circumference
- Length
- Keep Warm
- ID Bands
TORCHeS Screening
- Toxoplasmosis
- Other
- Rubella
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
- Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
- Syphilis
- Diagnostic Testing
Common Causes of Pneumonia: Neonates (< 4 Weeks Old)
- Group B Streptococci
- E. coli
Common Causes of Meningitis: Newborn (0-6 Months)
- Group B Streptococci
- E. coli
- Listeria monocytogenes
Candida Albicans
- Fungi
- Yeast with Pseudohyphae at 20 Degrees C
- Germ Tube Formation at 37 Degrees C
- Pruritic Vaginitis
- White Cottage Cheese Discharge
- Fiery Red Mucosa
- Diabetics
- Antibiotic Use
- Esophageal Thrush in Immunocompromised
- Diaper Rash
- Endocarditis in IV Drug Users
Common Causes of Meningitis: Children (6 Months - 6 Years)
- Enteroviruses
- Neisseria meningitidis
- Haemophilus influenzae Type B
- Streptococcus pneumoniae
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) TORCH
- Nonspecific TORCH symptoms
- Intrauterine Growth Restriction (Retardation)
- Deafness
- Microcephaly
- Seizures
- Periventricular Calcifications
- Petechial Rash
- Blueberry Muffin Rash
- Chorioretinitis
- Urine Viral Culture or PCR
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
- Enveloped
- Double Stranded DNA
- Linear
- Type 1 HSV
- Gingivostomatitis
- Keratoconjunctivitis
- Encephalitis of Temporal Lobes
- Latent in Trigeminal Ganglia
- Type 2 HSV
- Genital Vesicles
- Neonatal Herpes
- Latent in Sacral Ganglia
- Tzanck Test
- Multinucleated Giant Cells
- Cowdry A Inclusions
- Acyclovir
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Characteristics
- Mycolic Acid Cell Wall
- Acid-fast
- Carbolfuchsin Stain Red
- Lowenstein-Jensen Agar
- Serpentine Cord Factor
- Primary TB
- Caseating Granuloma
- Ghon Focus
- Hilar Lymph Nodes
- Ghon Complex
- Reactivation TB
- Reactivation in Apex
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Disease
- Fever
- Night Sweats
- Weight Loss
- Hemoptysis
- Extrapulmonary Disease
- Addison's Disease
- Liver
- Kidneys
- GI
- Bones
- Pott's Disease
Routes of Administration Part One
- Oral
- Sublingual
- Buccal
- Rectal
- Tubes
- Transdermal
- Drops/Spray
- Vaginal
- Inhalation
Routes of Administration Part Two (Parenteral)
- Intradermal
- Subcutaneous
- Intramuscular (IM)
- Intravenous
- Epidural
- Intrathecal
- Intraosseous
- Intraperitoneal
Intramuscular Medication (IM) Administration
- Injury to Nerves, Bone, and Blood Vessels
- Deltoid
- Vastus Lateralis
- Ventrogluteal
- Selection of Needle Length
- Aseptic Technique for Drawing Up
- Z-Track
- 90 Degree Angle
- Max Amount (2-5 mL Adult, 1 mL Child)
- Techniques to Reduce Pain
IV Anesthetics
- Barbiturates
- Benzodiazepines
- Respiratory Depression
- Hypotension
- Ketamine
- NMDA Receptor Antagonist
- Hallucinations
- Opioids
- Propofol
- Potentiates GABA-A
Transdermal Medication Administration
- Patch or Disc
- Directly on Skin of Arms, Chest, Upper Back
- Avoids First Pass Metabolism
- Sustained Administration of Medication
- Clean Skin After Removal
- Rotate Sites of Patches
- Apply to Dry Skin
- Avoid Shaved Skin
- Avoid Heat
- Nitro Effects Lost After 24 Hours