German Medicine

Ace Your Microbiology Classes and Exams with Picmonic: #1 Visual Mnemonic Study Tool for German Medicine Students

With Picmonic, facts become pictures. We've taken what the science shows - image mnemonics work - but we've boosted the effectiveness by building and associating memorable characters, interesting audio stories, and built-in quizzing. Whether you're studying for your classes or getting ready for a big exam, we're here to help.

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Microbiology is a subset of science that pertains to the study of microorganisms, including organisms that are unicellular, multicellular, or acellular. As a med student, you'll need to know how viruses, bacteria, fungi, and more cause disease within the human body. Use these mnemonic flashcards to break down the daunting topic of microbiology into digestible and clearly understandable segments covering the major classifications of bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology. Particular consideration is given to each bug to highlight those high-yield facts most commonly tested on USMLE Step 1, so you can approach your boards and class exams with confidence and pass with ease.

273 Picmonics to Learn | 10 hrs 7 mins

106 Picmonics
3 hrs 39 mins
Gram Positive
Gram Positive Cocci
12 Picmonics
22 mins
Gram Positive Bacilli
12 Picmonics
25 mins
Other Gram Positive Bacteria
3 Picmonics
6 mins
Gram Negative
Gram Negative Cocci
7 Picmonics
16 mins
Gram Negative Bacilli
22 Picmonics
44 mins
Gram Negative Coccobacilli
9 Picmonics
19 mins
Other Bacteria
6 Picmonics
14 mins
Encapsulated Bacteria
14 Picmonics
32 mins
Other Bacteria
18 Picmonics
37 mins
Fundamentals of Bacteriology
3 Picmonics
6 mins
13 Picmonics
28 mins
Fundamentals of Mycology
1 Picmonics
2 mins
Systemic & Cutaneous Mycoses
7 Picmonics
14 mins
Opportunistic Mycoses
5 Picmonics
12 mins
27 Picmonics
57 mins
13 Picmonics
27 mins
Helminths (Endoparasitic Worms)
Nematodes (Roundworms)
7 Picmonics
17 mins
Cestodes (Tapeworms)
3 Picmonics
4 mins
Trematodes (Flukes)
2 Picmonics
3 mins
2 Picmonics
6 mins
63 Picmonics
2 hrs 10 mins
DNA Viruses
DNA Viruses
24 Picmonics
50 mins
RNA Viruses
Single-stranded Positive-sense RNA Viruses
17 Picmonics
33 mins
Single-stranded Negative-sense RNA Viruses
12 Picmonics
21 mins
Double-stranded RNA Viruses
1 Picmonics
2 mins
Other Viruses
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
9 Picmonics
25 mins
1 Picmonics
4 mins
Prion Disorders
1 Picmonics
4 mins
Antimicrobial Pharmacology
77 Picmonics
2 hrs 21 mins
39 Picmonics
1 hr 20 mins
5 Picmonics
7 mins
8 Picmonics
11 mins
1 Picmonics
2 mins
15 Picmonics
24 mins
9 Picmonics
16 mins
Other Microbiology
18 Picmonics
27 mins
Congenital TORCHeS Infections
9 Picmonics
17 mins
Pneumonia Causative Organisms by Age
5 Picmonics
5 mins
Meningitis Causative Organisms by Age
4 Picmonics
5 mins

Ace Your German Medicine Classes & Exams with Picmonic:

Over 2,000,000 students use Picmonic’s picture mnemonics to improve knowledge, retention, and exam performance.

Choose the #1 German Medicine student study app.

Picmonic for German Medicine covers information that is relevant to your entire German Medicine education. Whether you’re studying for your classes or getting ready to conquer , we’re here to help.

Works better than traditional German Medicine flashcards.

Research shows that students who use Picmonic see a 331% improvement in memory retention and a 50% improvement in test scores.

It's worth every penny