
Power Of The Community

We carefully curate contributions from smart students everywhere and recommend the best of the best back to all Premium members for a dependable, up-to-date visual study tool.

Thousands of New Facts, Daily

Picmonic is the only visual learning tool that allows the community to modify and create new content, offering a robust, powerful resource that quickly adapts to the learning needs of current students.

Students like you have added over 50,000 Picmonics and over 1 million videos and images in the last year, turning Picmonic into a powerful visual study resource that keeps growing every day.

Tailored to you

Continuous Updates

Our team of experts is constantly auditing and updating our content, so you can study with confidence. And everyday, the Picmonic Learning Community amplifies our coverage of each topic by adding facts to existing Picmonics (over 1,000 per day!), the best of which are made available to you.

Verified Community Picmonics

Our scholars work with students like you to cover even more of the most need-to-know topics. Picmonic Premium members can find over 100 “Verified Community Picmonics” in the app. These Picmonics are created by independent community members and endorsed by Picmonic.

Verified Community Picmonics

What Students Say

Headshot - Adam

I’ve gone all in on Picmonic to supplement my medical education and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made! Its helped me stand out from my peers and I remember an impressive amount of detail. I plan on continuing its use well into my residency. Making custom picmonics is a great way for me to futher my education.

Headshot - Shannelle

I used Picmonic to help me study to become an Occupational Therapy Assistant / Physical Therapy Assistant. Picmonic was the perfect tool for me to create visuals to help me remember large amounts of information. My favorite was to do this was to create my own Picmonics which helped my studying immensely. using the pre-made Picmonics to study Anatomy was also a lifesaver.

I would highly recommend Picmonic to any student as it is an excellent study method and I credit it with being able to memorize a lot in short periods of time.