
Increase Your Memory Retention with Visual Learning

Stop wasting precious study time and adopt Spaced Repetition — a method that lets you spend less time studying, while retaining the same amount of information.

How Picmonic can Improve Your Memory Retention

Picmonic boosts confidence and grades. Our IRB study proved that with the Picmonic learning system students saw increased retention by 331% and a 50% increase in test scores after just 1 week.

Picmonic founders and medical students Ron Robertson and Adeel Yang took the idea of image mnemonics and applied clever pictures and humorous characters tied together with story and audio — and put it online to create the ultimate studying system for retention and memory recall.

Psychologists and education researchers have found mnemonics to be an effective tool in increasing retention and memory recall since our brains are designed to work with meaning. With Picmonic, facts are conveyed through picture mnemonics and videos, boosting your learning effectiveness by forming associations with memorable characters and stories and built in daily quizzing.

The Science Behind Memory

Memory is a skill that can be improved over time with repeated practice and healthy habits. Picmonic is based on memory science principles and is a proven method for enhancing memory retention.

Picmonic Is Research Proven

Picmonic was developed after many years of development and testing. In a randomized, double-blind, controlled study, the Picmonic Learning System was compared to text-based material (like textbooks and lecture notes) and found that medical students improved by 331% in long-term memory retention and increased test scores by 50% after using Picmonic. Since then, the benefits of the Picmonic approach have been extended to Nursing, Nurse Practitioner, Physicial Assistant, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Paramedic and Pre-Health students.

Adv. Med. Educ. Pract. 2014 May 8; 5: 125-32 doi: 10.2147/AMEP.S61875. eCollection 2014

Adv. Med. Educ. Pract. 2014 May 8; 5: 125-32 doi: 10.2147/AMEP.S61875. eCollection 2014

The Science Behind Picmonic

The Picmonic visual mnemonic learning app is designed to leverage known memory phenomena — the secret to Picmonic’s efficacy.

Picture Superiority Effect

Picture Superiority Effect

We remember pictures a lot better than text. Picmonic uses visual characters to aid in cuing memory recall for facts and information you need to know.

Von Restorff Effect

Von Restorff Effect

We remember things better when they’re distinctive or different. A bulleted list of black and white text is much harder to recall versus a zany Picmonic character.

Dual Coding Theory

Dual Coding Theory

Visual and verbal information are processed differently and along distinct channels in the brain, creating separate representations for information processed in each channel. Two channels are more powerful than one.

What Students Say About Increased Memory Retention with Picmonic

Lauren M headshot

I love picmonic. I have always been a visual learner and these cartoons help me so much. I easily bring the image to mind when being tested on material.

Headshot - Vanessa

I am a visual learner. I used Picture mnemonics in my Allied Health class YEARS ago & still think of them this day. When I saw Picmonics; the art got me. I had my first exam & Picmonic helped me think through the answers. I know my friends are tired of me praising & tagging. But, as a skeptic, I HAVE to praise what works! Thank you Picmonic!

testimonial avatar

Picmonic works by connecting wacky stories and characters to boring pharmacological principles.

The weirder the connection the more you seem to remember stuff.